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HomeGlamorous Home Décor10 Do’s and Don’ts for Glamorous Home Décor in the Summer

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Glamorous Home Décor in the Summer

Learn Amazing Secrets on How to Create a Glamorous Home Décor Theme During the Summer

With the popularity of fashion and decorating being at an all-time high right now. It’s easy to understand why many desire to have a fabulous home. Having a home that you find beautiful can benefit you in countless ways. It makes you feel more comfortable, neat, clean and most importantly accomplished. Which is why glamorous home décor is a very popular design theme. For anyone wondering what glamorous home décor or glam interior design is. It’s the perfect blend of elegance and chic with luxurious accents, while adding a dash of modern art. Glamorous home décor is known to have bold and vibrant colors that breathes life into your home. Other common features of this pretty home décor theme are fancy fixtures and high-end fabric material. This may lead many to believe glam style decorating can only be achieve during the winter and fall season. However, that’s not true. There’s a way to style your home into a stunning glamorous home décor theme while still having a cool and breezy aura. Here are the 10 do’s and don’ts for glamorous home decorating in the summer.

1. Do – Add Bold and Bright Colors

Colorful living room for glamorous, summer home decor

One of the biggest staples to creating a glamorous home décor look is to add color. A lot of traditional home decorators like to stick with 2 or 3 colors. They also tend to have a lot of neutral tones. With a glam style theme, you want the home to sparkle and shine. This means adding bright colors. These can be added with smaller accents such as table decor. Or you can style large items with color such as wallpaper, a new sofa or a large piece of art. However, you don’t want any room in your home to look too loud or over the top. This is where adding the right vibrant color comes in. Bold colors that still say “I’m elegant and soft” are great for glamorous home decorating. Some of them are:

  • Red
  • Pink
  • Lavender
  • Sky Blue
  • Yellow

2. Don’t – Overdo the colors

Although you want your glam style home to be pretty and welcoming with amazing color. Don’t overdo the colors. You want your theme to be structured and well coordinated. Too many different bright colors makes your home appear chaotic and all over the place. The best way to make sure you don’t over do it is to have a color scheme in mind. Also have no more than 3 dominant colors and 3 undertone colors.

3. Do – Use Light Fabrics

One of the best ways to achieve a glamorous home décor theme is to incorporate fabrics. However, the standard type of fabrics are usually thicker material. The type one would assume would be used during the fall or winter season. So how do you create a glamorous home décor theme with thicker fabric material in the summer? You still add fabric. You just don’t add the traditional thick material. Go for soft and thinner texture fabrics such as cotton, nylon, sheer and satin. These fabrics especially satin add luxury and sophistication to the home, which is great for creating glamour. However, they’re not heavy in weight or texture. Some glamorous home décor items you can use these fabrics for are:

Styling with curtains from thin fabrics such as sheer and cotton is a perfect glamorous home decor DO for the summer.
  • Curtains
  • Decorative Throw Pillows
  • Table Cloths
  • Table Runner

4. Don’t – Use Heavy Fabrics

As beautiful and elegant as some heavier fabrics are. To give your home a glamorous yet summer theme, you actually don’t want to use theme. The most fabrics that are affiliated with glam style decorating are faux fur, plush and velvet. These fabric materials are ideal for the winter and fall because they provide warmth. However, you don’t want to use these in the summer. If you have a fluffy home décor good that you can’t resist and really want to add it to your home during the summer. Then keep it at a minimum of one. Meaning there should only be one faux fur accent rug in your living room. Or one plush sofa throw blanket out during the summer season.

5. Do – Add Metallic

Glamorous home decor living with a dash of metallic
Adding a touch of metallic such as rose gold to your design is a major glamorous home decor DO for summer styling.

According to Modsy, a branch of Lennar, the nation’s leading homebuilder, metallic is a staple for glamorous home decorating, and it’s true. Adding metallic to your living quarters is a great way to make your space glamorous for the summer. The best way to accomplish this look is to style with metallic tones that brings a pop of color such as rose gold, silver and sparkling lavender.

6. Don’t – Add Metallic to Large Furniture

Although you want to add metallic to your place to complete your glamorous home décor theme. In order to make it cohesive with the summer season don’t over do it. During colder seasons it’s more becoming to add metallic to large furniture in the home. It helps to give the interiors a warm and cozy feel. However, during the summer you want to add just a touch of metallic. Don’t add it to your stand out accents such as a large chandelier or window curtains.

7. Do – Add Decorative Accessories

Another do for creating a glamorous interior design theme during the summer is to add decorative accessories. This includes adding pretty throw pillows, fancy flower vases, picture frames, houseplants and more. No matter how warm the weather may be outside. A living room isn’t complete without a throw pillow set. The best type of pillow set to accessorize with in the summer for a glamorous home décor theme, is one with a floral or fruit print on it. At least 2 beautiful flower vases in your home are perfect for bringing luxury and style during the summer. It’s not overbearing. It gives the ideal balance of glamour, elegance and modern design.

Sparkling Rose Gold Beautiful Vase Set
Another glamorous, summer home decor DO is to add accessories such as this sparkling, beautiful vase set.

8. Don’t – Over Accessorize

Don’t add too many accessories to your glamorous home décor theme during the summer. A large amount of interior accessories gives your home a closed-in, cozy look. That’s great for the fall or winter. However, during the summer we want everything to look elegance, stylish but yet airy and free. Have no more than 3 fancy throw pillows on your sofa. Don’t have a lot of accents on your coffee and corner tables. You want those to be tidy and neat. Also don’t over do your wall decorations.

Latte Floral Pretty Throw Pillow
A elegant, floral print pretty throw pillow great for adding comfort to your home during the summer yet not over accessorizing.

9. Make Your Home More Spacious

A powerful and inexpensive way to spruce up your living quarters this summer while making it glamorous is to simply create more space. Nothing says summer like an open and airy space. It allows the natural breeze to blow through and it gives the home a visual appeal. During the summer people are looking to be cool with plenty of cool air circulating. So the more space throughout the home, the better. Some powerful yet easy ways to make your home more spacious for glamorous summer decorating are:

  • Decluttering – keeping your living space tidy is a great yet easy way to make your home appear more spacious. Keep books and magazines stacked nice and neatly, utilize storage bins and containers
  • Decorate with ottomans and storage benches. This is a great way to add style to your home while also storing unused items
  • Spread furniture apart from each other
  • Add mirrors – the light and reflection from these will give any room in your residence the illusion of looking larger

10. Don’t – Decorate Too Closed In

Elegant and chic spacious living room
A gorgeous example of a glamorous and spacious living room during the summer.

As much as we want our home to be cozy and intimate no matter what the season is. When renovating for the summer and creating a glamorous design, don’t decorate too closed in. A closed in space is ideal for the winter and fall. This is because you want your living quarters to be warm and snugged. However, during the summer it’s the opposite. You want your space to be cool and open. So make sure you’re not adding accessories or furniture that gives your home a smaller space. The top don’ts you want to make sure you’re not doing during the summer are:

  • Don’t – Style your furniture too close to each other – this gives any room in your house the illusion of being smaller than what it is
  • Don’t – have throw pillows and a blanket on your sofa. Do one or the other
  • Don’t – close your curtains because this blocks natural light from coming in and will make your room look smaller.
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